Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Hair Must Grow

All this time I realized that I have never really said much about my hair other than the fact that I am on a journey to make it grow and be healthy. All through the internet when searching for hair tutorials or information the majority of the advice being given is from amazing ladies with hair types ranging from a 2 to 3c.
Unfortunately, I don't find much on 4a-4c hair which is the type that I have. If anyone out there knows where this information is hiding I would be delighted to have a go at it.

But back to the matter at hand... my hair. My hair I think is a 4a-4c... extremely kinky. I wet it... it shrinks. I air shrinks. I braid shrinks. Basically it shrinks and makes my shoulder length (when stretched) look like a TWA (teeny weeny Afro). Imagine That!

Currently, I am trying to construct a hair regimen that I could be comfortable with and would aid in actual hair growth. I will focus on that in my next blog... let's see how this pans out! :-)

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